Thursday 2 January 2014

The hidden Stored Procedures in SQL-II

Just like sp_MSforeachtable  you also have a stored procedure which runs for each DB.
It is sp_MSforeachdb


EXEC @RETURN_VALUE=sp_MSforeachdb @command1,

@RETURN_VALUE - the return value which will be set by "sp_MSforeachtable"
@command1 - first command to be executed by "sp_MSforeachtable" and is defined as a nvarchar(2000)
@replacechar - character in the command string that will be replaced with the table name being processed (default replacechar is a "?")
@command2 and @command3 are two additional commands that can be run for each table, where @command2 runs after @command1, and @command3 will be run after @command2
@precommand - nvarchar(2000) parameter and specifies a command to be run prior to processing any table
@postcommand - nvarchar(2000) field used to identify a command to be run after all commands have been processed against all tables
Some example usages-
  • To check space used by each DB

EXECUTE master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; EXEC sp_spaceused'
  • Change all DB owners to sa

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1='use ?; exec sp_changedbowner ''sa'''

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